Among Us Programming

Dawn Abron November 10, 2020, 2 comments

Among Us is a popular game similar to Wink Murder or Mafia. At the start of the game, an impostor is assigned and that person must murder as many crew members as they can before they complete their tasks. When a dead body is found, the group stops playing to discuss and to guess the impostor. 

Because of its popularity, library workers are clamoring to create programming, crafts, and meet ups before a new video game takes over pop-culture. If you have heard of Among Us but aren't sure where to begin, the HQ and other teen library workers are here to help.

Type: Active
Age: Middle school
Optimal size: 6-10
Estimated cost: $26 - $50
Planning time: <2 hours
Frequency: Monthly

Learning outcomes

  • Display an ability to communicate with others ● Demonstrate technology use that is safe, ethical and responsible



  • Among Us an app so teens must have it already downloaded. 
  • You need at least four teens to play and no more than ten.
  • You can play over Discord or Google Meet- You need to have a platform for teens to discuss verbally and vote for the impostor. You also have to be able to mute everyone during gameplay. Teens should only be able to talk when a meeting is called. 
  • If you have nine teens or less, you can start the game-Go to the app, click "online," create a name, under Host click "create game" and set gameplay settings. Once you tap confirm, you will go to a new screen and the game code will be at the bottom of the screen. Write it down and share it with the teens.
  • In their app, tell them to tap "online," then under Private have them enter the game code you provided.
  • If you have ten teens playing, assign one of them to host a game. As the adult, you can mute and unmute Discord or Google Meet.

Among Us Hand Warmer

Natalie Molinar-Teen Services Librarian, Northville District Library-MI

Additional information from Natalie-A quick note on felt... I used a wool/rayon blend for this kit to be extra careful, but polyester felt is fine to use in the microwave as well SO LONG AS the rice is in place and you warm it up in short bursts of 10-30 seconds (you really shouldn't need to put it in longer than twenty, anyways). However, if there's no rice or other organic matter for the heat to go into, polyester shouldn't be put in the microwave.

If you'd like more info, you can contact Natalie at

Hand Warmer Paper Instructions

Among Us Shrinky Dinks

Melissa McCleary, Youth Services Librarian at Pembroke Public Library in MA.

If you'd like more information, email Melissa at

Shrink plastic can be purchased at any craft store or Amazon. If you are making these for a Take and Make, provide key rings and baking instructions. Teens can use colored pencils or Sharpies/markers on shrink plastic. I personally recommend the Ruff n Ready shrink plastic. 

Shrinky Dink Designs for Print.

Among Us Book Display

Stacey Biemiller Maisch, Teen Services & PR at New Providence Memorial Library
We open for limited public browsing in the next week for the first time since March. I don’t normally have any bulletin boards, white boards, etc for YA, but since we have to partition space due to restrictions, I got to do my very first one! AND I learned how to use our new Cricut machine, too! Bonus!
I am SO EXCITED to welcome teens in the building again! I hope they come!-Stacey


As this is a new venture, evaluations are difficult to provide. I did see a post on Facebook where a library worker hosted game play with her advisory board and she said it was an easy program. She just let her teens have at it and she sat back and worked on other projects. 

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